Special Education (EDSE)

EDSE 3341  Intervention and Assessment in ELA for the Exceptional Learner  
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

This course explores various standards-based strategies for assessing students in language arts comprehension and competency, resulting in sound instructional strategies and interventions. The course is designed to enhance knowledge and practice in utilizing current instructional tools and methods for mathematics and English Language Arts interventions. TSI Restriction(s): Reading, Writing, and Math

Prerequisites: EDSE 3345.

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

EDSE 3342  Intervention and Assessment in Math for the Exceptional Learner  
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

This course explores various standards-based strategies for assessing students for math competency, resulting in sound instructional strategies and interventions. The course enhances knowledge and practice by utilizing current instructional tools and methods for mathematics interventions. TSI Restriction(s): Reading, Writing, and Math

Prerequisites: EDSE 3345.

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

EDSE 3343  Child Development of the Exceptional Learner  
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

This course will cover the development of exceptional learning from conception until childhood in the elementary years. Prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal development will be discussed, as well as early childhood development and moving forward into school-aged years. Behavioral and educational considerations for each of these stages will also be covered. TSI Restriction(s): Reading, Writing, and Math

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

EDSE 3345  Survey of Exceptional Individuals  
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

A survey of special education with attention devoted to individuals with exceptionalities in the socio-cultural context: family, community, educational and vocational. This course is intended to be the first course in the special education sequence. TSI Restriction(s): Reading

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

EDSE 3346  Low Incidence Populations  
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

Emphasis is upon the growth and development of exceptional individuals within low-incidence populations, including comparisons of developmental milestones and the study of causes of behavior and recurring patterns of behavior. Strategies for working with low-incidence populations will also be explored. TSI Restriction(s): Reading, Writing, and Math

Prerequisites: EDSE 3345.

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

EDSE 3347  Behavior Management for Exceptional Individuals  
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

Approaches to individual and group behavior change and behavior management with exceptional individuals. Includes the observation of exceptional individuals in varying settings. TSI Restriction(s): Reading

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

EDSE 3348  Intervention/Tech in Spec Educ  
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

An advanced study of evidenced-based instructional procedures, curriculum, and supportive technology practices to effectively teach content area academic knowledge to students with disabilities. The course will focus on facilitating/providing tiered support systems and intensive academic instruction to students with/at-risk for disabilities. TSI Restriction(s): Reading

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

EDSE 3349  Communication and Language Development of Exceptional Learners  
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

Communication development and language acquisition is of the utmost importance in ensuring achievement and life outcomes for exceptional learners. Students will learn about the context of language deficits and strengths for various disability categories. TSI Restriction(s): Reading, Writing, and Math

Prerequisites: EDSE 3345 or equivalent.

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

EDSE 4340  Collaboration and Transition Services in Inclusive Settings  
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

This 3-hour course will cover effective collaboration and transition planning skills within the school settings. Special attention is given to the collaborative efforts in the development of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and Individual Transition Plan (ITP) toward the goal of meeting the needs of students with disabilities and prepare them for successful transition to post-school environments. TSI Restriction(s): Reading

Prerequisites: EDSE 3345.

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

EDSE 4341  The Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Individual  
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

This course offers an overview of issues relevant to culturally and linguistically diverse exceptional individuals. Special attention is given to meeting the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse exceptional individuals toward equity and inclusion within school and community systems.

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

EDSE 4342  Multicultural Assessment  
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

This course is designed for assessment personnel responsible for conducting psycho-educational evaluation and individualized educational programming for students who are ethnically and linguistically diverse. This course will cover significant multicultural assessment issues, including major instruments and procedures, cognitive and educational assessment, and cross-cultural sensitivity as well as ethics of multicultural assessment.

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

EDSE 4343  Multicultural Consultation  
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

This course is specifically designed for personnel for the purpose of developing skills necessary for consultation with and for individuals who are ethnically and linguistically diverse. This course will use a multicultural lens to explore the practice of consultation in schools and identify related issues, constructs, processes, and interrelationships among consultation members.

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

EDSE 4344  Applied Multicultural Practices  
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

This course is designed to provide individualized field experiences related to multicultural assessment, program evaluation, consultation, and intervention/programming for diverse individuals within professional settings, including school and education systems.

Prerequisites: EDSE 4341, EDSE 4342, EDSE 4343.

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

EDSE 4346  Assessment of Exceptional Stds  
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

Formal and informal assessment procedures applicable to identification of and instructional planning for exceptional individuals. The theory and content of instruments used to identify, analyze and evaluate the strengths and learning needs of exceptional individuals are emphasized. TSI Restriction(s): Reading, and Writing

Prerequisites: EDSE 3345.

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

EDSE 4347  Federal and State Regulations Concerning Exceptional Individuals  
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

Principles and procedures designed to comply with the various rules and regulations concerning exceptional individuals. TSI Restriction(s): Reading, and Writing

Prerequisites: EDSE 3345.

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

EDSE 4349  Technology in Special Education  
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

Teacher candidates will explore technology devices, techniques, and strategies to support teaching in the classroom, including the latest trends in online instruction, video games/simulations, and developing learning communities in and around technology. Focus will be placed on standards-based uses of technology for assessment and assistive technology during instruction. This course will include experiential learning components. TSI Restriction(s): Reading, Writing, and Math

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.