History with History Teacher Certification, Social Studies, Bachelor of Arts

General Requirements 

Core Curriculum42
Required Support Courses12
Major (Required) Courses27
Social Studies Composite12
Teacher Certification Required Courses29
Electives (As needed to complete 120 credit hours required)
Total Credits122
  • 36 upper-division credit hours required for degree
  • 30 advanced hours from A&M-SA for residency
  • Completion of this Degree Requires Admission to the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) 
  • CIP Code: 54.0101

All students must complete the University’s Core Curriculum and the specific requirements of the major. In some cases, a course that is required for a major may also be counted towards the Core Curriculum.

Core Curriculum 1
ENGL 1301Composition I3
ENGL 1302Composition II3
MATH 1314College Algebra3
or MATH 1332 Contemporary Mathematics I
GEOG 1301Physical Geography Meteorology3
GEOL 1301Earth Sciences I3
Creative Arts3
American History3
American History3
Government/Political Science3
Government/Political Science3
ECON 2301Principles of Macroeconomics3
HIST 2321World Civilizations I3
HIST 2322World Civilizations II3
Required Support Courses 2
UNIV 1301First Year Seminar3
Foreign Language3
Foreign Language3
Major (Required) Courses 3,4
HIST 3301Reading & Wrtng Like Historian3
HIST 4301Methods of Historical Research 53
HIST 4370Crucial Topics in History3
Select two of the following:6
Texas History
History of Spanish Borderlands
Mexican American Hst 1848-Pres
African American History
Select three of the following:9
Introduction to Public History
History of San Antonio
Europe in the Middle Ages
HIST 3313
HIST 3314
Early Modern Europe to 1815
Europe 1815 to 1914
Modern Middle East
Europe Since 1914
Colonial America
Amer Rev Early Repub 1763-1850
Civil War and Reconstruction
Gilded Age and Progressive Era
America's Rise to World Power
United States Since 1945
Latin America I: Colonial Era
Latin American II: Modern Era
Asian History I
Select two of the following:6
Nazi Germany
The Holocaust
US Social and Cultural History
U.S. Foreign Policy
Native American History
The American West
United States Women's & Gender History
War and Society
Global Perspectives in Women's & Gender History
Childhood in America
History Internship
Social Studies Composite 7
GEOG 1303World Geography3
GEOG 3331United States and Canada3
Select two of the following:6
The Executive
The Judiciary
Teacher Certification Required Courses 8,9
EDCI 3303Pedagogy I: Theory & Design3
EDCI 3304Pedagogy II: Instructional Practice3
EDCI 3309Educator Roles & Responsibilities3
EDCI 3358Classroom Management: Middle and Secondary Level Teachers3
EDCI 4311Teaching and Pedagogy for Middle School and Secondary Teachers3
EDFR 3110Field-Based Experience I1
EDFR 4623Scndry Clinic Tch:Fld Res III (Unpaid semester at A&M-SA)6
As needed to complete 120 credit hours required

Other courses may satisfy core curriculum requirements. Courses listed under the core curriculum above are also specific degree requirements, and are recommended in the core to expedite degree completion.


Preferably one language; conversational language will not count


2.75 overall GPA for major


'C' or higher in HIST courses


Taken during the semester prior to graduation.


HIST 4370 Crucial Topics in History may be taken twice for credit, with the second time taking the place of one of the 4000-level course requirements.


'C' or higher required.


2.75 overall GPA


'C' or higher required in EDXX courses.

Students who do not meet teacher preparation and certification requirements may be required to switch to a non-certification program.

Completion of 45 hours; all with a ‘C’ or better; Cumulative GPA of 2.75; Qualifying scores in Reading, Writing and Mathematics.

ENGL 1301Composition I3
ENGL 1302Composition II3
MATH 1314College Algebra3
or MATH 1332 Contemporary Mathematics I
HIST 1301US History to 18653
HIST 1302US History from 18653
COMM 1315Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
2 Life & Physical Sciences