Mexican American, Latinx, and Borderlands Studies, Minor

This minor consists of SOCI 2361 Introduction to Mexican American, Latinx, and Borderlands Studies and 15 additional semester hours of courses from the following list:

SOCI 2361Introduction to Mexican American, Latinx, and Borderlands Studies3
Select 15 additional semester hours of the following: 115
LatinX Art Appreciation
Border Security Issues
Borderland Rhetorics
Literature of the Americas
Mexican Amer Lit & Culture
Special Topics in English (When taught from a Mexican American Latinx and Borderlands Studies perspective.)
Topics in Latinx Studies
Multilingual & Multicult Educ
Working with Diverse Families and Young Children
Multicultural Children's Literature
Texas History
Native American History
HIST 2348
History of the Spanish Borderlands
Europe in the Middle Ages
The American West
Crucial Topics in History (when appropriate)
Entrp: Spcl Topics Entrprnrshp
International Relations
Govt and Politics of Mexico
Spec Studies in Polit Sci
Mexican Americans: Identity, Movements, and Social Justice
Immigration, Racial Politics, and Nation
Social & Natural Systems of the United States-Mexico Borderlands
Mexican American Families
Race and Ethnicity
Afrx-Latinxs: Race, Culture, and Transnationalism
Latin American Film History
US Latina/o/e Soundscapes: Musical Cultures of Latin America
Topics in Span Literature (When taught from a Mexican American Latinx and Borderlands Studies perspective.)
Total Credits18

At least 6 semester hours of advanced work are required.