Academic Misconduct
Students are expected to do their own course work. Simple cases of first offense cheating or plagiarism by an individual student may be handled by the instructor after consultation with the department chair. Faculty will confront the student with the evidence in private and advise of the penalty to be assessed. The evidence will be retained for at least one full year.
Academic misconduct is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct; therefore, the instructor is required to report any form of academic misconduct to their Department Chair, their Dean and the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. For more serious cases, such as those involving repeated offenses, conspiracy with other students or the theft and selling of examination questions, students may be subject not only to grade sanctions in courses but also to disciplinary action.
Please review the Student Handbook for a complete description of the process. The Student Handbook is available through the Student Rights and Responsibilities webpage:
Penalties for academic dishonesty may range from a grade reduction on the particular assignment or in the course to expulsion from the University.