Class Policies
A student has the right to expect competent, well-organized instruction for the full number of clock hours allotted for a course; to sufficient written assignments, graded fairly and with reasonable promptness to show the student's academic standing in the course at least before mid-semester; to have ample opportunity to confer with the instructor at published office hours and to review graded written work; to freedom from ridicule, discrimination, harassment or accusations in the presence of other students or faculty members; and to an avenue for appealing to higher academic authority in case of alleged unfairness by an instructor.
Academic Misconduct
Students are expected to do their own course work. Simple cases of first offense cheating or plagiarism by an individual student may be handled by the instructor after consultation with the department chair. When the evidence is indisputable, the usual penalty is a grade of F on the particular paper or in the course. The student is usually confronted with the evidence in private and advised of the penalty to be assessed. The evidence will be retained for at least one full year.
The Office of Graduate Studies and Sponsored Programs coordinates with college and departmental advisors who have taken measures to ensure that the manuscripts are free of plagiarism.
Academic misconduct is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct; therefore, the instructor may report any form of academic misconduct to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. Please review the Student Handbook for a complete description of the process.
For more serious cases, such as those involving repeated offenses, conspiracy with other students or the theft and selling of examination questions, a report should be made by the instructor via the department chair and college dean to the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs for disciplinary action. Expulsion from the University is a normal penalty for such offenses.
Plagiarism is a serious violation of academic integrity, and students who engage in plagiarism are subject to disciplinary action. The type of disciplinary action will depend on the severity of the plagiarism but may ultimately lead to the student‘s expulsion from the program and/or revocation of a student‘s degree, if the student has already graduated.
Please review the Student Handbook for a complete description of the process:
Reading/Study Days
The academic calendar formally indicates the last day of classes. Faculty must not schedule any class meeting after the last official day of classes. University-sanctioned Study Days are incorporated into the university calendar in an effort to provide students with additional preparation time before final examinations. Study Days apply to 16-week courses, and do not apply to classes that meet on Saturday or in summer. Study days are not to be used, under any circumstances, as a date on which final papers are to be turned in, examinations are to be given, quizzes are to be scheduled, presentations are to be conducted, mandatory review sessions are to be held, or for any other course-related activities, other than office hours.
Students who have concerns about course-related activities being conducted during Study Days should first contact their instructor. Should the student continue to have concerns after communicating with the instructor, the student may contact the department chair.
Research on Human Subjects
Any research that involves human subjects must be approved by the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects at A&M-San Antonio prior to any data collection. Specific forms, instructions, and additional information are provided online:
Correspondence Work
Correspondence courses are unacceptable for graduate credit.
Required Grades
A minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is required in each program segment (major/supporting field/resource or graduate certification). Grades of D or F do not apply toward a graduate degree but are used to figure grade point averages. Courses may be repeated for credit, in which case the highest grade of record is the official grade. Minimum grades required for stem work (assigned prerequisites) are noted on the initial degree plan and/or certification plan. Courses taken outside official program(s) are not subject to these grade requirements unless so specified by the program adviser on the degree plan.